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Passionate about Prevention

We are skilled in safe, gentle & natural childbirth, we believe that it is important to take care of the whole self when pregnant. Our goal is to expose women and their families to the idea of functional medicine, and how treating the whole body with care and respect while growing a human being is crucial.

When in our care we addresse both the physical and emotional needs of women as they progress through pregnancy, labor, birth and the postpartum period called the "4th trimester" we offer the same comprehensive prenatal care as obstetricians and will consult and/or refer you to our back-up doctor or specialist should you present any symptoms outside of the normal range. You are not required to have an obstetrician to initiate care.

If you wish to deliver at The Birthing Inn with All About Birth LLC, the requirements are for you to be in good general health and remain low risk throughout your pregnancy.

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Being Born Is Important

Scientific research indicates that what a mother experiences during her pregnancy directly affects how her unborn baby perceives the world. This research shows how important it is to nurture and grow the unborn in a peaceful, minimally stressed womb. Educating both mothers and her family about this science is a key element in our care. Visit the Philosophy of Pre-and Perinatal Psychology website to learn more.

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Midwives offer standard prenatal care comparable to what is traditionally provided by an OB/Gyn, except that midwives generally take more time with their clients, offering emotional support and forming a deeper relationship.

All About Birth LLC, practices under the Midwives Model of Care which emphasizes the fact that pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding are natural, normal functions of a woman’s mind, body, spirit and soul. As a midwives, we strives to form a nurturing collaborative relationship with each of our clients, listening carefully and allowing decisions to be made together about your individual pregnancy, labor and birth. This model is based on who you are and how your body works. We will work with you to create a plan for a low-risk pregnancy through education, nutritional influences, supplementation, and techniques to reduce daily stress.

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Trusting Your Instincts

We seek to nurture each woman’s sense of personal strength and self-confidence throughout their childbearing year. We strive to provide a supportive and safe environment for each of our client’s to make decisions about their pregnancy and birth; allowing the freedom of choice based on the knowledge of alternatives. We believe strongly that a woman’s body has an innate ability to give birth safely and naturally and our goal is to provide the support, guidance and expertise for you to have the natural birth experience you want. An excellent resource for a deeper understanding of how important undisturbed birth can be read Dr. Sarah Buckley